During a performanceActress bites colleague in the foot - court case
22.1.2025 - 20:27
Actress Anna Werner Friedmann has been accused of harassment.
ZDF/Zia Ziarno
The actress Anna Werner Friedmann has been accused by a colleague of alleged harassment. The incident is said to have taken place during a performance and is now being heard in court.
22.01.2025, 20:27
22.01.2025, 20:40
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Actress Anna Werner Friedmann has been accused of allegedly biting a colleague's bottom and burning a torch on his nose during a theater performance.
Friedmann insists the incident was part of the production, and the charges were not filed until a year later; the case will be heard in court on May 6, 2025.
The actress rejects the accusations and invokes artistic freedom.
Austrian actress Anna Werner Friedmann, known from ZDF productions such as "Siebenstein" and "Lena Lorenz", is facing serious allegations, writes "focus.de".
During a theater performance in August 2023, she allegedly bit a colleague on the bottom and held a burning torch to his nose.
These incidents led to charges of assault and sexual harassment.
Anna Werner Friedmann refers to artistic freedom
According to Friedmann and her lawyer Manfred Ainedter, the bite on the buttocks was part of the production of the play "Alma", which was performed in the Südbahnhotel near the Semmering Pass.
The scene had been performed every evening and the complaint, which was only filed a year after the performance, was unusual. The lawyer emphasizes that the burn on her nose was an accident that happened during the production when Friedmann stumbled after a colleague pulled on her skirt.
The case will be heard in Neunkirchen District Court on May 6, 2025.
Friedmann herself was injured during the production, but has not pressed charges. The outcome of the trial remains to be seen, while the actress rejects the accusations and refers to the artistic freedom of the production.
The editor wrote this article with the help of AI.