Generational dispute in the jungle camp Athletics legend exposes crying reality star

Bruno Bötschi


Jürgen Hingsen and Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss realized during the night watch that the reality stars somehow tick differently.
Jürgen Hingsen and Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss realized during the night watch that the reality stars somehow tick differently.

Starvation in the jungle camp has come to an end. But despite the bouquet and buffalo neck, there were arguments between the generations. Meanwhile, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Yeliz Koc talk about their male relationships.

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  • On day 6, the starvation in the RTL jungle camp finally came to an end.
  • Despite a well-filled food basket, there were arguments between the generations.
  • Meanwhile, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Yeliz Koc complained about their unfortunate luck with men so far.
  • Jürgen Hingsen, who has been inconspicuous up to now, is slowly warming up to the competition and is making Maurice Dziwak look bad.

But it was high time: thanks to ten stars earned, the twelve starving jungle campers on "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" finally got a well-filled food basket with ostrich, vegetables, fruit and a piece of buffalo neck.

But anyone who thought that the feast would calm the heated tempers was mistaken. Edith Stehfest decided how the meat was to be prepared - even though Alessia Herren is the chef: "I just want the meat to be perfect."

But when it was cut, it was far too raw. "We should have seared it straight away," said Sam Dylan. Proverbial artist Maurice Dziwak could only shake his head wearily: "Several porridges spoil the meal!"

Yelic Koc about her ex-partner's suitcases

While the others were getting into a fight over the consistency of the meat, Yeliz Koc talked about the newly rekindled contact with Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, the father of her daughter: "Suitcases, bags, boxes" were "in her cellar".

Ochsenknecht had often spent the night on the sofa after his visits. Sam asked: "Where does he actually live?" Yeliz shrugged her shoulders: "Sometimes here, sometimes there."

She had lots of questions: "What was going on, why he didn't want to know about his daughter." What disappoints her most of all: "I still haven't received an apology for his behavior." And Jannik Kontalis took on the role of father: "Jimi could thank Jannik for that."

"You're gay too? I didn't know that!"

There was a sudden spat among the oldest members of the group. When Anna-Carina Woitschack and Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss were talking about being gay, Nina Bott said to Jörg Dahlmann: "You're gay too? I didn't know that!"

Jörg indignantly denied it: "I don't talk to you for three days after you said I'm gay. I'm 100 percent heterosexual."

Pierre had to intervene: "You say that like it's a bad thing! And that's the bad thing!" Jörg justified himself: "I love gays, but I'm straight. I think gays have much more empathy and a sense of beauty!"

Pierre was outraged by Jörg's stereotyping on the jungle phone: "Welcome, 1950! I'm like you, we're like you. It's about time we accepted that!"

Jürgen Hingsen is slowly warming up

The previously inconspicuous Jürgen Hingsen slowly warmed up and also revealed a lack of tolerance, albeit towards a lack of general education. He sensed this in Maurice, because he didn't know Salvador Dalí.

Incomprehensible to the decathlete: "You must know that! You must know who Thomas Mann was, who Kleist was." He found it incomprehensible that Maurice didn't know any of this despite having his A-levels: "You have to read Chagall, van Gogh, Julius Caesar. The environment:

What impact CO₂ has on our climate! How important species diversification is. Peace of Westphalia. There's nothing more important than general knowledge!"

Anna-Carina Woitschack (right) talked about her failed relationship with Stefan Mross on day 6 of the jungle camp.
Anna-Carina Woitschack (right) talked about her failed relationship with Stefan Mross on day 6 of the jungle camp.

This hit a sore spot with Maurice: "Hey Jürgen, you're making me look like such a stupid little boy!" Jürgen stuck to his guns: "He should go back to school."

Maurice Dziwak cries on the jungle phone

Maurice was in tears on the jungle phone. "It just wasn't easy for me at school. I was good at memorizing, but for the rest I always had to do a lot. Sure, I'm not the smartest - I've never said that.

But embarrassing someone in front of others like that isn't cool," he sobbed. At least Jürgen reflected on his behavior and apologized. Maurice accepted, but: "I still know what he thinks of me."

The argument kept Jürgen busy. During the night watch, he pondered with Pierre whether these reality formats might make people stupid? "That's a different way of thinking," Pierre said, noting that the reality stars in the camp play their roles well prepared.

"I'm amazed that you can get through life in such a way." Jürgen was simply worried about the young family man Maurice: "I was such a dream dancer too."

Lilly Becker is shocked

Anna-Carina Woitschack also got more airtime thanks to Sam's curiosity. Because he suspected that she was still receiving money from Stefan Mross. The singer blocked it out: "I'm not allowed to talk about that anyway." However, she added: "I generally don't allow myself to be fobbed off in life." Lilly Becker was shocked that Anna-Carina's best friend is now with Mross.

Only Yeliz Koc lost her appetite after the first spoonful of stinky tofu.
Only Yeliz Koc lost her appetite after the first spoonful of stinky tofu.
Picture: RTL

Anna-Carina even cried to her after the break-up: "The betrayal of trust by a best friend, of course that hurts." Then she said: "She's always told me that she thinks our life, i.e. us as a couple, is so great." Sam listened in horror: "That's scary! Didn't she even dye her hair blonde? It's like something out of a horror movie!"

Meanwhile, Sam, Yeliz and Lilly would have gladly done without the "jungle kiosk" jungle test. Despite the disgusting test, they bring four stars back to camp: Lilly ate three by eating chicken feet, uterus and brains, and Sam scored one after drinking pureed buffalo penis.

Yeliz Koc covered herself in stinky tofu, but not in glory. At least things seemed to have calmed down between Sam and Lilly, as the Becker ex praised her fellow camper: "Now you've given it your all."

And who has to take the test tomorrow? Sam again, of course, who will be joined by Edith Stehfest this time ...

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