Tumor on the arm Luca Hänni had to have an operation

Fabian Tschamper


Luca Hänni had a tumor on his left arm that was causing him pain.
Luca Hänni had a tumor on his left arm that was causing him pain.
Picture: KS

Luca Hänni had his first operation. A tumor in his arm had to be removed. The singer reveals: "I was a little panicky."

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  • Luca Hänni is very open on Instagram: The singer reveals an operation on his arm.
  • A tumor that was causing the 28-year-old pain had to be removed.
  • The so-called schwannoma was removed in hospital. Hänni was still "panicked", as he told his fans.

The headlines surrounding the Swiss singer are never-ending: Luca Hänni's stalker has just been arrested on "Donnstig-Jass", and now the 28-year-old reveals that he had to have surgery on his arm.

"I woke up one morning and my arm was hurting," he revealed on Instagram when his fans noticed a scar. So he had the problem looked at in hospital, whereupon a tumor was diagnosed.

"I was a bit panicked at first because they didn't know what it was," he says. The tumor was cut out, but the singer was still worried.

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The problem turned out to be a schwannoma. A slow-growing tumor consisting of connective and nerve tissue that was benign in nature.

"Always palpate it and if it hurts, it's better to take it out," the singer advises his fans. This operation was also his first ever procedure.

In the comments of the Instagram post, the fans express their relief and gratitude that the young singer is so open about his health - and that he is taking care of himself and his body.

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