20 years later Do you recognize this DSDS star?

Vanessa Büchel


Menowin Fröhlich took part in the casting show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in 2005 and 2010. At his second attempt, he made it to the final and came second.
Menowin Fröhlich took part in the casting show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in 2005 and 2010. At his second attempt, he made it to the final and came second.
picture alliance/dpa

His fans had to look twice to recognize Menowin Fröhlich. The ex-DSDS star looks very different on TikTok - and is hardly recognizable.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Ex-DSDS star Menowin Fröhlich is back with a very different look after losing a lot of weight.
  • The 37-year-old has also had his teeth done.
  • Fans hardly recognized him and couldn't believe it was Fröhlich.

Menowin Fröhlich (37) first tried out for the RTL casting show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (DSDS) in 2005. However, he had to leave the show early due to an arrest. He then entered the race for a second time in 2010 and came second in the final against Mehrzad Marashi (44).

But after that, Fröhlich's singing career went quiet. In the media, people read about alcohol escapades, drug confessions and prison stays under his name.

But now the former DSDS star is back in several TikTok videos. He announces his participation in the reality show "Promis unter Palmen" and sings for his fans again. The big surprise: the 37-year-old looks very different and fans hardly recognize him.

Menowin Fröhlich weighed 160 kilos

Menowin Fröhlich has lost a lot of weight and had his teeth done - an "all-round makeover", as one fan describes it. Other followers couldn't believe at first that it really was the ex-DSDS contestant. "That's not Menowin," said one user. And others asked about Fröhlich's typical freckles, which seem to have disappeared.

Two and a half years ago, he weighed 160 kilos and also had to contend with health problems due to his excess weight, as RTL.de writes.

"The bad thing is that you don't get full anymore. I had to eat all the time and constantly. I always had something to eat to keep me feeling full," said Fröhlich in the interview. On the advice of the doctors, he finally underwent a stomach reduction. It is not yet known exactly how much weight he has lost.

Comments also piled up under the Instagram announcement from Sat.1 and Joyn about the candidates for "Promis unter Palmen" on the photo of the father of six. "He's really changed a lot," says someone. And another user is happy about Fröhlich's return to TV: "Finally back Menooo🙏🏻"

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