Choking fits Doctor issues influencer an absolute ban on speaking

Bruno Bötschi


Because one of his vocal chords no longer vibrates properly, German influencer Twenty4Tim is not allowed to speak for a whole week.
Because one of his vocal chords no longer vibrates properly, German influencer Twenty4Tim is not allowed to speak for a whole week.
Picture: IMAGO/Revierfoto

Influencer Twenty4Tim has been struggling with severe shortness of breath for some time. After weeks of suffering, the 24-year-old finally has a little more clarity about his state of health since Friday.

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  • German influencer Tim Maximilian Kampmann, alias Twenty4Tim, has been suffering from repeated attacks of suffocation for weeks.
  • Since last Friday, the 24-year-old has had a little more clarity about his current state of health.
  • "I have been prescribed an absolute ban on speaking until Wednesday next week. No talking, no whispering, no clearing my throat, no singing or shouting," he wrote in an Instagram story.

In the past, people who had a health problem would first ask their GP for advice. Nowadays, some people film a video first, post it on Instagram and ask their followers for advice.

At the beginning of January, Tim Maximilian Kampmann, aka Twenty4Tim, posted a clip online showing how the influencer was struggling with shortness of breath.

The 24-year-old's more than 3.3 million followers have long known that these attacks have recurred several times in recent weeks. Asthma, panic attacks or a possible psychosomatic illness have been suggested as explanations for the shortness of breath.

"No talking, no whispering, no clearing of the throat, no singing"

Since Friday, Twenty4Tim has at least had some clarity about his state of health: "Yesterday I was given an absolute ban on speaking until Wednesday next week. No talking, no whispering, no clearing my throat, no singing or shouting," he wrote in an Instagram story.

He continues: "I had a camera in my larynx yesterday. It looks anything but reassuring. My doctor described it as 10/10 but she 'didn't want to panic'."

In his Instagram story, influencer Tim Maximilian Kampmann, alias Twenty4Tim, informs his more than 3.3 million followers about his state of health.
In his Instagram story, influencer Tim Maximilian Kampmann, alias Twenty4Tim, informs his more than 3.3 million followers about his state of health.
Picture: Screenshot Instagram

According to Twenty4 Tim, one of his vocal chords is no longer vibrating properly. It is also fiery red and inflamed. That's why the doctor prescribed him a one-week ban on speaking, in addition to cortisone and antibiotics.

The influencer was also told to inhale regularly with Bepanthen. If he does not adhere to the strict ban on speaking, the result could be lifelong hoarseness or even worse.

However, the 24-year-old intends to continue his job as an influencer in the coming days. Although he will not be speaking on Instagram, Snapacht and Tiktok, Twenty4Tim writes, "existing collaborations will be posted in writing".

Twenty4Tim that "things will look better next week"

Twenty4Tim has to see his doctor again in a week's time. If the inflammation has not improved significantly by then, he may be referred to a specialist.

The influencer does not share pictures of the inflamed larynx. "The doctor deliberately advised me not to post any pictures of it at the moment." Without more detailed examinations, the pictures would only cause too much concern among his followers.

At the end of his Instagram story, the influencer wonders how he will cope with not talking for a week. But he doesn't want to let that get him down.

Instead, Twenty4Tim hopes that the days of silence will pay off and "things will look better next week".

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