Cultural funding Federal film funding aims to appeal to a broad audience


24.1.2025 - 17:29

In future, the federal government wants to focus more on the various audience groups with its film funding. (symbolic image)
In future, the federal government wants to focus more on the various audience groups with its film funding. (symbolic image)

In future, federal film funding is to focus more on the various audience groups. Furthermore, the diversity of genres in Swiss filmmaking is to be promoted by also supporting productions for a broad audience.


Audiovisual content is not only consumed in cinemas today, but also on streaming platforms, at festivals and a variety of other channels, each with different expectations and demands, the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) announced on Friday. Concrete measures are also to be taken to strengthen ecological sustainability and fair remuneration in filmmaking.

As an overarching goal, the FOC wants to strengthen coordination between the funding bodies in the long term. This should enable larger productions with strong visibility at home and abroad, it added.

Federal film funding must adapt to the new conditions of digitalization in the film industry in order to guarantee up-to-date funding. The FOC developed the measures for the period 2026 to 2028 on the basis of an intensive dialog with the film industry. The measures will be adopted following a consultation in late autumn and will come into force on 1 January 2026.