First intoxication in the jungle camp Lilly Becker reveals why she was sent to prison

Bruno Bötschi


Lilly Becker shows how she greeted the police at the station after a traffic accident she caused. She had to spend a night in jail for it.
Lilly Becker shows how she greeted the police at the station after a traffic accident she caused. She had to spend a night in jail for it.
Picture: RTL

Lilly Becker surprises on the eighth day of the RTL jungle camp with a confession: the model spent a night in prison. And then the time had finally come: the first star was kicked out.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • On Friday, a dreaded decision had to be made in the RTL jungle camp: Which star would be the first to go?
  • Answer: Former decathlon star Jürgen Hingsen was voted out.
  • Before that, Lilly Becker surprised everyone with a confession: the 48-year-old was sent to prison for a short time when she was young.
  • Otherwise, the Australian jungle was, as always, a colorful mixture of gossip, bitching and a few other delicate confessions.

Imagine being kicked out of the jungle camp and no one cares, not even you. At 11.20 p.m. Swiss time, the time had come: Jürgen Hingsen was the first to be released.

This is somehow consistent: he has been familiar with very quick starts (in this case to a cozy hotel to celebrate) since the 1988 Olympics in Seoul.

While he said his relaxed goodbyes ("Yes, great, all right, it was fun"), "Die Stunde danach" presenter Angela Finger-Erben asked Sonja Zietlow in the live broadcast: "Do you think the camp will change when Jürgen is gone?" And Sonja said "Nope" and burst out laughing. There's hardly anything to add to that.

Sam Dylan cries during the jungle stage

The start of the second week in the jungle was long and tough, but somehow all the advertising has to be accommodated. The highlight of the evening was Sam Dylan 's eighth jungle stage in a row.

Not because he cried bitterly before the test and failed it again. But because he really did his best, overcame his fear of heights on the almost 20 meter high Mount IBES and only fell powerlessly into the depths (on the safety rope) after a great struggle.

Of course, if he had spared himself the screaming in the face of all kinds of (rather sparse) animals, he might not have run out of breath and strength so quickly, but so be it. He tried. Even the flatmates acknowledged that.

Apart from that, there was a colorful mixture of banter, bitching and, above all, delicate confessions: A quarter of the camp has a criminal past.

Lilly Becker in an orange prison jumpsuit in jail

Jörg Dahlmann stole construction site lamps and stole pillows on flights. Yeliz Koc was banned from C&A for a year for theft - and Lilly Becker spent a night in jail in an orange prison jumpsuit.

"I wanted it this way": Sam Dylan after his failed jungle camp exam. But at least he gave it his best shot.
"I wanted it this way": Sam Dylan after his failed jungle camp exam. But at least he gave it his best shot.
Picture: RTL

She had demolished a lamp with her car while on vacation ("There were all the lights out on the island, the car was completely broken") and then gave the cops the finger at the station during the usual mug shot.

There was more to learn: Pierre makes a point of pronouncing his surname correctly. It is Sanoussi-Bliss and not, as Anna-Carina Woitschack accidentally said incorrectly, "Sanssouci-Bliss".

The otherwise relaxed contestant was a little bitchy. "I thought it was exaggerated," said Anna-Carina. "How many times do he think I've heard my name Woitschack wrong?"

But Pierre doesn't like being team boss either. "I don't do it," he grumbled. "I don't give commands. I don't do that to grown-up people. I don't do it."

He said later, in the wooden telephone booth, that this had something to do with his past in the GDR NVA. "It wasn't like it is in the Bundeswehr today." So not a pony farm.

Yeliz Koc: "Reality saved my life"

One thing we learned about Edith Stehfest: with a beaming smile, she can be really vindictive and then very firm in her opinion. When the possum was served for the feast, she refused to do the bruzzel duty. "You do that. I'll watch."

A clear payback for the criticism she had recently received when she clung on too tightly to the cooking utensils. After clarifying what a possum actually is ("Like a big rat"), Lilly Becker took pity on herself. And lo and behold, it turned out well.

Yeliz Koc not only used to steal like a Rabin, but also went through many dark times. "I was very unhappy and cried day and night."

Not so long ago, it was about a very unhappy love (but not about Jimi Blue for once). And what pulled her out of her slump? Reality shows! "No joke, reality saved my life," she said, because it made her more self-confident. "I feel really good about myself."

Alissa Herren is on a zero diet

Alissa Herren shouldn't be saying that right now. During the jungle exit decision, she seemed almost sad that she was "allowed" to stay. You can understand that. The poor thing is on a zero diet. Because when there's no "real" food, which was often the case due to the star, she doesn't eat anything.

Rice and beans are a no-go. "If I have to swallow that stuff, I puke." Is corona to blame? Back then during the pandemic, it was really bad: "I became disabled." Pierre and Nina almost choked while drinking during the unveiling.

Edith Stehfest showed herself to be a top masseuse. But she doesn't want to cook. That's why she went on a cooking strike.
Edith Stehfest showed herself to be a top masseuse. But she doesn't want to cook. That's why she went on a cooking strike.
Picture: RTL

Jörg Dahlmann hates gendern and is also someone who is somehow no longer allowed to talk the way he used to. With his questions and explanations on the topic of "How do you say 'black', 'colored' or 'dark-skinned' correctly?" he rather got on Pierre's nerves.

"'Colored' is nonsense. You're all colored to me, you all have different complexions. Dieter Bohlen was sometimes browner than me from the solarium." And anyway: "Discussing skin color in the year 2025, my God. I'm completely happy with 'black'. Black is beautiful. Period!"

Hingsen received 200,000 euros for entering the camp

Maurice Dziwak is a really sensible person when he's not stressed, he recognizes a lot of things and has a knack for settling disputes. But he is rarely unstressed.

In the first camp treasure hunt, he did well with the cool Yeliz, constantly chatting away. It's a shame that the troupe messed up the question - by mistake, as RTL later admitted. The campers are therefore in for another surprise.

Jürgen Hingsen, who was voted out of the competition, couldn't care less. He will soon be able to eat delicious food, take a warm shower and snore in fluffy pillows.

Allegedly, the former decathlon star will receive 200,000 euros for lying on a mattress or squatting by the fire for a week, telling a few anecdotes and otherwise largely doing nothing, and finally, as if to cement his selection, blaspheming a little nastily about almost everyone and everything. Jürgen did a pretty clever job, you'd think.

Oh yes, things are about to get even more exciting, because today is the end of the line for the next star in the RTL jungle camp.

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