Media trends The future is now! This is how much AI young people use
Mario Stübi

Reading the newspaper was yesterday! The JAMES Study 2024 shows that young people prefer to find information via Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat and are increasingly using AI.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- The JAMES Study 2024 shows that 71% of young people already have experience with AI tools.
- Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat are the most popular apps among young people.
- A critical approach to digital media is particularly important.
Young people are anything but fed up with social media! Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat as well as online gaming are particularly popular. This is shown by the JAMES Study 2024 by the ZHAW and Swisscom, in which around 1,000 young people aged 12 to 19 are surveyed every two years.
It is hardly surprising that young people prefer scrolling and chatting to reading newspapers. What is impressive, however, is how rapidly artificial intelligence (AI) has become integrated into everyday life: 71% of young people have already had experience with ChatGPT and other AI tools.
Know the risks, protect against misuse
AI and social media are an enrichment for young people, but also harbor risks such as bullying, excessive consumption and misinformation.
The results of the JAMES study show that boys are more frequently affected by cyberbullying than girls. At the same time, boys post mean nicknames and comments about others more often. Almost half of girls have already experienced sexual harassment online.
Parents and teachers are particularly called upon to protect young people from harmful content and to educate them about responsible behavior. They can help them learn how to use social media critically, for example through fun learning content.
Getting through everyday life with Instagram and football
The JAMES study shows that the use of online media such as streaming music and using social networks is already such an integral part of young people's everyday lives that it is hard to imagine it increasing any further.
However, teenagers don't just have their cell phones on their minds: sport in particular has become more important compared to the JAMES Study 2022 and is now the most popular non-media leisure activity. Young people also still like to read.
Parents should therefore encourage young people to spend time away from media and support them in using it safely and critically.
These are the key findings of the JAMES Study 2024
- Artificial intelligence has become part of young people's everyday lives faster than ever before.
- Gaming is becoming increasingly popular.
- Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat are the most popular smartphone apps across all age groups.
- Boys are significantly more likely to be both perpetrators and victims of cyberbullying.
- Almost every second girl has already been sexually harassed online.
- Sport is the most popular non-media leisure activity.
This article was produced in cooperation with Swisscom
Swisscom is committed to ecological, social and economic sustainability: climate protection, a sustainable lifestyle and responsible use of digital media. Switzerland's leading ICT company has already received several awards for its long-standing commitment to sustainability and, according to "TIME Magazine", is one of the 500 most sustainable companies in the world in 2024. Swisscom Campus offers valuable knowledge and tips on digital media and their use in everyday life.