From weird to outrageous These are the special requests of the jungle camp celebrities
Bruno Bötschi

These are the 12 participants in the 18th season of the RTL reality show "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!".
Image: dpa

Lilly Becker is going to jungle camp.
Image: dpa

Anna-Carina Woitschack also faces the nasty jungle tests down under.
Image: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Decathlon legend Jürgen Hingsen will also be part of the 2025 jungle crew.
Image: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Presenter Jan Köppen and presenter Sonja Zietlow will once again host the RTL reality show.
Image: dpa

These are the 12 participants in the 18th season of the RTL reality show "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!".
Image: dpa

Lilly Becker is going to jungle camp.
Image: dpa

Anna-Carina Woitschack also faces the nasty jungle tests down under.
Image: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Decathlon legend Jürgen Hingsen will also be part of the 2025 jungle crew.
Image: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Presenter Jan Köppen and presenter Sonja Zietlow will once again host the RTL reality show.
Image: dpa
Luxury in the RTL jungle camp? Not a chance. The 12 candidates are only allowed to take two personal items with them. Several special requests are said not to have been fulfilled.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- Preparations for the 18th season of the RTL show "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!", which starts on January 24, are in full swing.
- Twelve celebrities will spend two weeks in the jungle camp and compete for the coveted crown.
- Each candidate is allowed to take at least two personal items with them. However, not everything is allowed.
The worm-eating in the jungle camp is about to start again: on January 24, the 18th season of "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" starts on RTL.
For two weeks, twelve more or less well-known celebrities will fight for the crown. They are allowed to take almost nothing with them.
All participants will find a beige shirt, dark blue shirt and red trousers in the luggage provided by the TV station. This uniform has been a staple of every jungle camp season for 20 years.
Luxury in the jungle camp? Well, the candidates are allowed to take two personal items with them. But not everything is allowed.
Sam Dylan wanted to take a water bubbler with him
Reality TV star Sam Dylan wrote in two Instagram stories this week that he had been banned from taking two items with him. According to the story, the 33-year-old wanted to take a designer outfit with him to the jungle camp.
Before Dylan mentioned the second prohibited item, he teased it with an emoji: "This wouldn't have existed anywhere in the world". He then faded in a voice message asking if he could take a bubbler with him.
The former "Prince Charming" contestant complained that there was "always such stale water" in the jungle camp and argued that the household appliance even worked without electricity.
A mosquito net would "block the view of the stars"
Yeliz Koc 's special request doesn't sound extravagant at first. The influencer wanted to take a mosquito net with her: "That was actually my luxury item request. Unfortunately, it's not allowed."
The editors of "Bild" asked those responsible at RTL why the net was not allowed. Answer from the TV station:
"We want to show our viewers every adventure and exciting entertainment of our stars - be it during the jungle test or on the jungle platform in camp."
He continues: "A mosquito net would only block the view of our stars. Conversations, discussions and interaction between the stars are what make the jungle camp so special. That's why only luxury items that don't interfere with this are allowed."
Candidates hope for further TV engagements
An insider also revealed to Bild that several candidates had expressed their wish to RTL in advance that their participation in the jungle camp would lead to further engagements, whether as presenters or actors.
Will this plan work out? Well, as the saying goes: first the work, then the pleasure.
So, dear celebrities, prove your talent in eating worms and cockroaches during the two weeks in the jungle camp, then we can talk about any further television engagements.