Animals16 new St. Bernard puppies at the Barry Foundation
9.1.2025 - 08:45
16 St. Bernard puppies were born at the Barry Foundation in Martigny VS over the festive period. The two mothers "Jazz du Grand St. Bernard" and "Muffin du Grand St. Bernard" gave birth to their first litters.
09.01.2025, 08:45
Three-year-old Jazz gave birth to five puppies at Christmas: one male and four females. This was announced by the Fondation Barry on Thursday. The young mother is already taking exemplary care of her little charges, whose names will all begin with the letter "V". The father of the litter is the 3.5-year-old long-haired male Cancun.
Jazz is an award-winning bitch, as the foundation wrote. Last June, she won the title of "Best in Show" at the World Union of St. Bernard Clubs competition in Martigny.
On New Year's Eve, the 2.5-year-old long-haired bitch Muffin gave birth to eleven healthy puppies: five males and six females. All the puppies from the second litter will have names beginning with "W", it was reported. Three of her puppies have been placed with Jazz in order to balance the litters and "make feeding more harmonious".