DefenseArmy adapts expansion of artillery firing range on the Simplon
22.8.2024 - 14:00
The Federal Armaments Office and the army have adapted the project for the expansion of the artillery firing range on the Simplon in Valais. The locations for the operations buildings and the helipad are new.
22.08.2024, 14:00
Both infrastructures have now been adapted to the local conditions, the Federal Armaments Office (Armasuisse) announced on Thursday. The helipad has been relocated for technical reasons and to protect the landscape.
The project to expand the military facility also includes the conversion of an existing building for use as troop accommodation, a widened access road for the artillery training facility, a 30-metre firing range and the dismantling of the former firing ranges.
Several environmental associations, including WWF, Pro Natura and Birdlife Switzerland, objected to the expansion of the military facility on the Simplon. The Simplon shooting range is reportedly located in an alpine region between 1850 and 3000 meters above sea level. It includes some protected habitats and endangered animal and plant species.
The area is also an IBA zone, i.e. an important bird and biodiversity region. Its main objective is to protect a global network of areas that ensure the survival of the bird population, including protected species.
The planning documents, including the revised environmental impact report, are expected to be available to the public for 30 days in November.