Against the backdrop of major tensions between North and South Korea, a US military aircraft carrier battle group has arrived in the region. The nuclear-powered "USS Theodore Roosevelt" and its escort ships arrived in the South Korean port of Busan on Saturday and are to take part in a joint maneuver with South Korea and Japan.
An agreement between Russia and North Korea, which also includes a mutual obligation to provide assistance, had recently exacerbated the already high tensions between Seoul and Pyongyang. South Korea therefore summoned the Russian ambassador on Friday.
Exercise aims to improve tactical capabilities
The maneuver entitled "Freedom Edge" was announced following a meeting in Singapore at the beginning of June. It is due to begin before the end of the month.
Rear Admiral Christopher Alexander, the commander of the US battle group, said the exercise was intended to improve tactical capabilities and cooperation between the navies of the three countries. The aim was to "ensure that we are prepared for all crises and contingencies".
South Korea praises allies
The South Korean navy explained that the arrival of the US ships made it clear that the country's allies were ready to respond to North Korean threats.
The aircraft carrier battle group around the "USS Theodore Roosevelt", together with ships from Japan and South Korea, had already held an exercise in April in the East China Sea, where China is in conflict with its territorial claims with neighboring states.