Economy Company formations continue to fall in August


30.8.2024 - 16:00

Fewer companies were founded in Switzerland in August 2024 than in the same period last year. (symbolic image)
Fewer companies were founded in Switzerland in August 2024 than in the same period last year. (symbolic image)

Fewer companies were founded in Switzerland in August 2024 compared to the same month last year. At 3558 companies, 3.5 percent fewer companies were entered in the commercial register than in August 2023. The number of deletions was almost 7 percent lower.

As is usual at this time of year, the Swiss economy is showing its quiet side, according to a press release issued by business directory on Friday.

Compared to the previous month of July, the number of company formations as well as deletions and mutations also fell significantly. The number of newly founded companies fell by 22 percent and the number of deletions by 27 percent compared to the previous month.

However, with the expected increase in economic activity in the fall, the number of deletions is also expected to rise again.