EuropeEU Parliament rejects declaration on outdoor smoking bans
28.11.2024 - 16:18
The EU Parliament has failed to agree on a joint declaration on possible outdoor smoking bans. Corresponding motions did not find a majority in Strasbourg, as the European Parliament announced.
28.11.2024, 16:18
In September, the EU Commission proposed revising the current recommendations on smoke-free zones. The aim is to protect people from passive smoking and reduce the number of cancer deaths.
Areas where children and young people spend a lot of time, such as public playgrounds and swimming pools, as well as bus stops and train stations, should therefore remain smoke-free in future. The bans should not only apply to cigarettes, but also to e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters.
The member states are expected to make a decision on the EU Commission's recommendation next week. The outcome of the vote in the EU Parliament has no impact on this.
Even if the Brussels authority's proposal is accepted, this does not automatically mean that such smoking bans will be implemented everywhere. The reason for this is that the member states are responsible for health policy. The EU Commission's recommendation is therefore not legally binding. Even the failed declaration by the EU Parliament would not have had any binding effect.