Federal Criminal Court Ex-Trafigura manager sentenced to prison for corruption


31.1.2025 - 14:30

The Federal Criminal Court has found the commodities trading company Trafigura guilty of corruption and ordered it to pay a fine. (archive picture)
The Federal Criminal Court has found the commodities trading company Trafigura guilty of corruption and ordered it to pay a fine. (archive picture)

The commodities trader Trafigura must pay a fine of three million Swiss francs. It had paid bribes in Angola. This is the first time that the Federal Criminal Court has judged the responsibility of a company. Two ex-managers have to go to prison.


The Federal Criminal Court handed down the harshest sentence on Friday in Bellinzona against the former head of an Angolan oil company. The man was sentenced to 14 months in prison out of a total sentence of 36 months.

The former number two of Trafigura must serve 12 of the 32 months in prison. The court suspended the remaining sentences on probation. A consultant who had acted as an intermediary got off with a conditional prison sentence of 24 months. They were convicted of bribing or corrupting the public official in Angola.

Trafigura Beheer BV (a type of limited liability company), based in the Netherlands, was the reference parent company of the commodities group Trafigura between 2009 and 2011. One of its main locations is in Geneva.