Ukrainian Hachiko Dog Loschka waits every day for her dead owner

Vanessa Büchel


Mixed-breed dog Loschka comes almost every day to a petrol station in Ukraine where her owner, who died in the war, used to work.
Mixed-breed dog Loschka comes almost every day to a petrol station in Ukraine where her owner, who died in the war, used to work.

A dog at a Ukrainian petrol station is currently stirring up the whole network. A TV presenter has met Loschka, who is waiting in vain for her owner. The young man was killed in the war.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Heartbreaking loyalty: dog Loschka regularly returns to a petrol station in Ukraine where her fallen owner Alexej Sawranski once worked - and waits for him there.
  • A video by TV presenter Ruslan Senichkin shows the sad dog.
  • Senichkin explains that friends and relatives of the owner continue to look after Loschka.
  • The dog is referred to as the "Ukrainian Hachiko", reminiscent of the famous Akita dog in Japan, which symbolizes the unconditional loyalty of dogs.

It's no secret that dogs are loyal souls. But Loschka lives up to her nature. The dog returns almost every day to a petrol station in south-western Ukraine, where her owner used to work. He used to take the mixed-breed dog with him and the two of them would make their way home together after his shift.

But that is no longer possible today. Because 25-year-old Alexei Savranski, as the dog's owner is called, died on April 18, 2023 on the front line fighting against Russia.

Ukrainian TV presenter Ruslan Senichkin reports on the loyal Loschka. He was the one who posted the video about the dog online. Senichkin came across her during a stop at a petrol station in Ladyschynka, a small village in the Cherkasskoy oblast.

A petrol station employee explained that Loschka continues to turn up almost every day waiting for her owner. In the video, the mixed-breed dog appears shy, but wags her tail and allows herself to be stroked - but there is a deep sadness in her eyes that has touched countless people on the internet.

Loschka is the Hachiko of Ukraine

After his first post, Senichkin calls for the dog not to be removed from the petrol station. That's where she belongs now.

And Loschka has people who look after her. "The little girl has guardians - relatives, friends of Alexij. Nevertheless, even after the death of her master, she comes to the place where she was always with him. Loyalty of dogs and humans: This is exactly what the story is about," the TV presenter writes under a post.

This came after many people commented on his video and felt that the dog should be helped and taken to a new home.

The heartbreaking story about the love between a dog and its owner brings back memories of another loyal companion. The Akita dog is considered the epitome of loyalty in Japan and a statue was even erected in its honor in Tokyo.

The story behind it was made into a movie starring Richard Gere (75). Hachiko, an Akita, waited for his deceased owner for ten years at Shibuya station in Tokyo. In his video, Senichkin refers to Loschka as the Ukrainian Hachiko.

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