Icy temperatures in New York conjure up ice floes on the Hudson River. This not only provides fantastic pictures, it also raises the question of how cold it would have to be to freeze Swiss lakes once again.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- Because New York is experiencing the coldest January in 13 years, the Hudson River is partially frozen over.
- A drone has recorded the extraordinary natural phenomenon.
- blue News poses the question: How cold does it have to be for lakes to freeze over in Switzerland?
- The last time Lake Zurich froze over was 62 years ago.
It is deep winter in the USA. There is snow all the way down to the Mexican border and freezing temperatures in many places. New Yorkers are familiar with this, but a frozen Hudson River - that hasn't happened for many years.
Manhattan skyline with ice floes
A drone has now captured breathtaking images of the icy river surface, and the bird's eye view video sequences almost make you think that the ferries are not maneuvering on the Hudson River, but in the Arctic Ocean. Only when the drone captures the Manhattan skyline does it become clear that this extraordinary natural spectacle is taking place in the middle of a metropolis of several million people.
January with record cold
New York is currently experiencing the coldest January for 13 years. Temperatures have not risen above minus 6 degrees Celsius for days. The National Weather Service urged residents to remain cautious if freezing conditions persist.
blue News shows you the spectacular drone footage in the video and explores the question of at what sub-zero temperatures we could expect lakes to freeze over in Switzerland. After all, the last time the larger lakes froze over was 62 years ago.