Federal finances Federal Council puts billion-euro federal savings package up for discussion


29.1.2025 - 12:37

The Federal Council has adopted proposals to compensate for the expected additional expenditure on the army and AHV. (theme picture)
The Federal Council has adopted proposals to compensate for the expected additional expenditure on the army and AHV. (theme picture)

In order to be able to finance the rising expenditure for the army, AHV and other projects, cuts will have to be made elsewhere. A package is to reduce the federal budget by CHF 2.7 billion in 2027 and CHF 3.6 billion in 2028.


On Wednesday, the Federal Council approved the consultation draft of the so-called relief package 27 (EP27). More than half of the 59 proposed measures require a legislative amendment.

The Federal Council made several changes to the key points announced in September. As Parliament appears to have decided not to make any new federal contributions to supplementary childcare, the need for adjustments and therefore the volume of relief provided by EP27 is around CHF 800 million lower per year.

Nevertheless, the savings package is likely to be controversial. Several parties and the cantons expressed their dissatisfaction with the Federal Council's proposals back in the fall. If Parliament votes yes, the people could decide on the matter in a referendum.