Government Federal Council wants to cushion the impact of immigration


29.1.2025 - 12:22

The Federal Council wants to take additional measures to cushion the impact of immigration in the areas of asylum, housing and the labor market.
The Federal Council wants to take additional measures to cushion the impact of immigration in the areas of asylum, housing and the labor market.

The Federal Council wants to cushion the effects of immigration with measures in the labor market, the housing market and asylum. It is doing this against the backdrop of the immigration initiative launched by the SVP, which it recommends rejecting.


It is already known that the Federal Council rejects the "No Switzerland of 10 million (sustainability initiative)" initiative. However, it recognizes that immigration to Switzerland and population growth are associated with challenges, as it wrote on Wednesday. It has therefore decided on additional measures.

The existing strategies were not sufficient to meet the challenges associated with immigration. For example, the Federal Council wants to integrate family members who have joined the country more quickly into the labor market and provide more support for older people looking for work.

The Federal Council also wants to increase the fund for non-profit housing construction. There are also plans to speed up asylum procedures and take measures to reduce the number of asylum applications.