A working day of 27 hours?German town hall employee collects 706,000 francs for overtime
Carsten Dörges
The town hall of Bad Sachsa in the southern Harz mountains in Germany. An employee worked "unbelievable" overtime here.
Bild: Imago
An employee in the town hall of Bad Sachsa in Germany worked 19 hours of overtime per day and scammed 750,000 euros (approx. 706,000 francs) over a long period of time. The public prosecutor's office is now investigating.
17.01.2025, 20:19
Carsten Dörges
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An employee of the town of Bad Sachsa in Germany claims to have worked 19 hours of overtime per day. With a 40-hour week, the working day should have been 27 hours.
In return, he billed over 706,000 francs over a long period of time.
The public prosecutor's office is now investigating the man.
19 hours of overtime per day: an employee of the town of Bad Sachsa in Germany has not been named employee of the year, but the public prosecutor's office in Braunschweig is now investigating him for embezzlement. With a normal 40-hour week, each working day would have had to have 27 hours of overtime.
According to the newspaper "Bild", the long-serving middle-ranking employee is said to have worked too much overtime and on-call duty for years. According to his contract, the man's annual salary is said to be around 50,000 euros, and for at least five years he is said to have paid himself four times his salary. A total of 750,000 euros (approx. 706,000 Swiss francs) was billed for the alleged overtime.
Four years in prison
The fraud has now come to the attention of the Göttingen district audit office. The mayor of Bad Sachsa did not want to comment when asked by "RTL", as it is an ongoing case. However, if the suspect is convicted, he could face up to four years in prison.