After painful defeats in Thuringia and Brandenburg, the Green Party board is drawing the consequences: Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour are leaving their posts. The entire board of the Green Party resigns.
25.09.2024, 10:34
25.09.2024, 11:10
Samuel Walder
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The entire board of the Green Party in Germany, including co-leaders Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour, has resigned.
The reason for the resignation is the electoral defeats in state elections in eastern Germany, where the Greens left the parliaments in Thuringia and Brandenburg.
Current polls put the party at just 9.5 percent, the first time it has been in single figures for seven years.
Bang for the Green Party in Germany. The entire Green Party board is resigning - including co-leaders Ricarda Lang (30) and Omid Nouripour (49), according to Bild. This was reported by "Table.Media". A spokeswoman for the Greens did not wish to comment to Bild.
Bündnis90/Die Grünen, as they are officially known, suffered painful defeats in the three state elections in the east. They were thrown out of the state parliaments in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. In the polls, the party stands at 9.5 percent and is therefore in single figures for the first time in seven years.
As the news agency SDA writes, they had previously co-governed in all three states. In national polls, the Greens had recently fallen below the ten percent mark for the first time in years. In the European elections in June, they achieved a disappointing 11.9 percent across Germany - after more than 20 percent in the 2019 elections.