Politics Putin raves about Trump: Will create order in Europe


2.2.2025 - 14:46

ARCHIVE - Vladimir Putin (l), President of Russia, and Donald Trump, President of the USA, shake hands during the G20 summit. Photo: Susan Walsh/AP/dpa/Archive image
ARCHIVE - Vladimir Putin (l), President of Russia, and Donald Trump, President of the USA, shake hands during the G20 summit. Photo: Susan Walsh/AP/dpa/Archive image

In an interview on Russian state television, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin expressed his delight at US President Donald Trump's political approach. With his character, Trump will bring order to the relationship with the European elites, who liked his predecessor Joe Biden better. "That will happen quickly and soon. They will all stand at their master's feet and wag their tails lovingly," Putin said in a clip published on Telegram by state television propagandist Pavel Sarubin.


"Trump has different ideas about what is good and what is bad - including on gender policy and other issues," Putin said while sitting in a car with Sarubin, who is widely regarded as his house and court reporter. Unlike others in the past, today's European elites always ended up doing what the USA wanted. Putin praised former German Chancellors Helmut Kohl (CDU) and Gerhard Schröder (SPD), who had stood up for their own opinions.

Praise for Trump in the past

Putin never had a good word to say about Trump's predecessor Biden. However, he not only congratulated Trump on his election victory and then on his inauguration in January, but also emphasized his strength as a politician.

Trump had repeatedly announced an early meeting with Putin to discuss ending the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The Kremlin leader has repeatedly stated that he is willing to resume contact, and the two have known each other since Trump's first term in office. A date for the talks has not yet been set.