PoliticsUkraine wants to bring more refugees back from Germany
20.1.2025 - 07:41
ARCHIVE - Oleksiy Chernyshov, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa/Archivbild
The Ukrainian government wants to step up its efforts to bring back war refugees living in Germany. To this end, so-called "unity hubs" (unity centers) are planned in Berlin and later in other locations to support refugees with job and housing placement or educational opportunities.
20.01.2025, 07:41
"A considerable number of Ukrainians are seriously considering returning to their homeland," Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Oleksiy Chernyshov, who was preparing the opening of the centers during a visit to Berlin last week, told the German Press Agency. He heads a Ministry for National Unity, which was founded in December specifically for the return of refugees.
Population decline over the past 30 years
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, more than 1.1 million Ukrainians have fled to Germany - more than to any other country. Today, only 32 million people live in the areas controlled by the government in Kiev. At the time of independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there were still 52 million in the whole of Ukraine, according to government figures. The number of Ukrainians living abroad is estimated by the government to be between 20 and 25 million.
Chernyshov said that, in view of the population decline, workers were needed in Ukraine above all in arms production, the energy sector and reconstruction. These are "critical sectors", he said. Returnees would be deferred from military service if they worked there. "So if you work in a power plant, you won't be called up. You have a guarantee."
Refugees should "not be a burden for the government"
However, those Ukrainians who want to stay in Germany should also be supported in the "Unity Hubs", for example in their job search or professional qualifications. "They should not be a burden on the government," emphasized the minister.