Germany Vote on German migration law foreseeable


31.1.2025 - 14:16

Overview of the plenary chamber in the Bundestag. The topics of the 211th Bundestag session are the CDU/CSU's "influx limitation law", the vote with a debate on the lessons learned from Germany's involvement in Afghanistan; the vote on military law and energy law. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
Overview of the plenary chamber in the Bundestag. The topics of the 211th Bundestag session are the CDU/CSU's "influx limitation law", the vote with a debate on the lessons learned from Germany's involvement in Afghanistan; the vote on military law and energy law. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

The Bundestag in Germany is to vote today on the CDU/CSU parliamentary group's bill to tighten up migration policy.


The FDP has waived a motion previously announced by its parliamentary group to postpone the vote and consult further in the committees, as the Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Berlin learned from FDP parliamentary group circles.

It is possible that the draft will receive a majority with the votes of the right-wing populist AfD.