MysteriousInvestigation into unusual stakes in gambling
15.1.2025 - 12:15
The Intercantonal Gambling Supervisory Authority has launched an investigation. (archive picture)
Loterie Romande was made aware of unusual stakes in its "Joker" game at the beginning of this week. Its jackpot currently stands at CHF 2.6 million. The Intercantonal Gambling Supervisory Authority launched an investigation.
15.01.2025, 12:15
The warning system had reported unusual bets in the canton of Geneva, said Danielle Perrette, Loterie Romande spokesperson, on Wednesday, confirming reports from the "Tribune de Genève" and "24 Heures". The "Joker game" is currently only available online and no longer at kiosks.
Only bets involving the completion of a Swiss-Lotto play field are still possible at kiosks. The draws will take place as usual on Wednesday evening, said Perrette. In the "Joker Game", a combination of six randomly drawn numbers must be found. There are one million possibilities.
The newspapers reported statements from several tobacco store operators. They reported that they had seen young people coming in who obviously wanted to play as many combinations as possible. One tobacconist reported that he had received stakes amounting to 80,000 francs within two days.
An investigation by the Intercantonal Gambling Supervisory Authority is not an everyday occurrence. Loterie Romande does not know when this investigation will be completed.