Promotion of culture Mandate for new Basel cultural mission statement with impact report


25.6.2024 - 15:28

A new cultural mission statement is to define the future direction of Basel's cultural policy. (Image from the Dan Flavin exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Basel)
A new cultural mission statement is to define the future direction of Basel's cultural policy. (Image from the Dan Flavin exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Basel)

Basel-Stadt is to receive a new cultural mission statement for the period from 2026 to 2031. For the first time, the Basel government intends to incorporate the results of a population survey and an impact report on the current period, as announced on Tuesday.

The cultural mission statement should set out the cultural policy strategy and define medium to long-term goals, according to the statement.

A lot has happened since the last mission statement, which expires in 2025. The coronavirus crisis has shaken up the scene, inflation is clearly noticeable, according to the press release, and new areas have been added to cultural funding with the implementation of the tipping initiative. In addition, global crises and conflicts have made international cooperation more difficult.

With the new cultural mission statement, the government now wants to introduce a controlling system. A comprehensive impact analysis by the company Interface is to form the basis for the new cultural mission statement.

The aim is to retrospectively analyze the achievement of the objectives of the cultural mission statement 2020 to 2025, for which the population of Basel was surveyed in the spring. Qualitative interviews were also conducted with representatives of Basel's cultural life.