Latest news Murder charge after homicide in snack bar in Rupperswil AG


3.2.2025 - 09:34

A 59-year-old man stabbed his wife to death in Rupperswil in February 2023: the public prosecutor's office has now brought murder charges. (symbolic image)
A 59-year-old man stabbed his wife to death in Rupperswil in February 2023: the public prosecutor's office has now brought murder charges. (symbolic image)

The Lenzburg-Aarau public prosecutor's office has charged a 59-year-old man with murder and will demand a prison sentence of 17 years in court. The man stabbed his then 47-year-old wife to death in a snack bar in Rupperswil AG in February 2023.


The man acted violently and ruthlessly, which is why a murder charge was brought, the senior public prosecutor's office announced on Monday following the conclusion of the investigation.

On 15 February 2023 at 8.40 a.m., a third party called the emergency services to report that a man had attacked a woman with a knife in a pub in the village center.

The police then found the woman covered in blood in the pub. Despite immediate resuscitation attempts, she died on the spot from her serious injuries. The man was arrested at the scene without resistance.

The Sri Lankan couple had worked together in the restaurant, according to a statement from the public prosecutor's office. An argument had broken out that morning. During the investigation, the man confessed to stabbing his wife during the argument.

The 59-year-old has been in custody since the crime. He will have to answer to the Lenzburg district court after the arraignment.