ARCHIVE - The old town can be seen from the "Parc de la Colline du Château" in Nice. Large cruise ships will no longer be welcome in Nice in the south of France. Photo: Ina Fassbender/dpa/Archive image
Large cruise ships will no longer be welcome in Nice in the south of France. Mayor Christian Estrosi signed a decree banning the landing and embarkation of passengers on ships with a capacity of more than 900 passengers from the summer. "Tourism yes; overtourism no!" declared the center-right mayor at the signing ceremony, to which he had invited the media to the town hall.
24.01.2025, 20:04
"I don't want floating hotels anchoring off Nice. I say: cruise ships that pollute the environment, that spit out their low-cost customers, that consume nothing but leave their garbage behind, have no place here," the mayor had declared a few days ago in his New Year's address.
Overtourism should not suffocate Nice
"We have prevented the concrete from suffocating Nice. That's why we won't let overtourism suffocate the city." The mayor cited Venice as a role model, where large ships have also already been banned.
Following the ban on cruise ships, the Greens in Nice spoke of an "immense and historic victory", as the media reported, but pointed to the many large yachts that continue to pollute the environment.
Implementation of the ban still open
It remains to be seen whether the ban can really keep cruise ships completely away from the coast. It is conceivable that the ships will anchor in national waters away from the port and then bring their passengers ashore in smaller boats. A few years ago, Cannes in the south of France had already imposed strict environmental regulations on cruise ships, but without banning them completely from the city's coastline.
The mayor's announcement met with a mixed response on social media. "Bravo for this brave and necessary decision," said one user. "Your stores and restaurants will thank you for contributing to their downfall," wrote another. Another comment wondered whether he was taking the people of Nice for a ride, arguing that the planned expansion of Nice airport was contributing to pollution and "over-tourism".