NW cantonal council Nidwalden bill undisputed in the cantonal council


26.6.2024 - 09:43

Finance Director Michéle Blöchliger (SVP) on her way to the Council Chamber, the venue of the District Council meeting. (Archive photo)
Finance Director Michéle Blöchliger (SVP) on her way to the Council Chamber, the venue of the District Council meeting. (Archive photo)

The Nidwalden District Council unanimously approved the 2023 state accounts on Wednesday. With expenditure of CHF 421.1 million, these closed with a slight deficit of CHF 200,000.


The government had budgeted a deficit of over 27 million francs. It attributes the unexpected improvement primarily to tax revenue from natural persons.

Income, wealth and withholding taxes were almost CHF 13 million higher than forecast. Compared to the previous year, Nidwalden thus recorded an increase of CHF 7.5 million in this tax area. Finance Director Michèle Blöchliger (SVP) said that Switzerland and Nidwalden had coped well with a challenging year.

Matthias Christen (GLP) was surprised at how much the budget and accounts differed last year and in previous years. The problem was usually not the costs, but the income. Politicians were losing their credibility as a result.

Reto Blättler (FDP) took the same line. He called on us to learn from history and be "more courageous" when budgeting.

Stefan Müller (SVP) pointed the finger at the investment bill. This showed net investments of CHF 16.3 million, but CHF 29.1 million had been planned. Thomas Wallimann (Greens/SP) said that Nidwalden was "very lucky".