India Prayers for the victims of the 2004 tsunami disaster


26.12.2024 - 11:34

People remember the victims of the 2004 tsunami on the 20th anniversary at Marina Beach. A magnitude 9.0 seaquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra triggered huge tidal waves - tsunamis - that devastated the coasts of the Indian Ocean. Around 230,000 people lost their lives, including 552 Germans. Photo: Mahesh Kumar A./AP/dpa
People remember the victims of the 2004 tsunami on the 20th anniversary at Marina Beach. A magnitude 9.0 seaquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra triggered huge tidal waves - tsunamis - that devastated the coasts of the Indian Ocean. Around 230,000 people lost their lives, including 552 Germans. Photo: Mahesh Kumar A./AP/dpa

On the 20th anniversary of the devastating tsunami on December 26, 2004, thousands of people in Indonesia and other countries commemorated the victims.


In the large Baiturrahman Mosque in the province of Aceh, survivors, relatives of the victims and community representatives came together for an emotional prayer. The sirens of today's tsunami early warning system also sounded for three minutes in remembrance. Indonesia suffered most of the approximately 230,000 deaths, with many people dying in the province of Aceh on the island of Sumatra.

"This is more than just commemorating a tragedy," said a community representative. "It's about raising collective awareness of disaster preparedness and celebrating the resilience and unity that has defined our recovery."

On Boxing Day 20 years ago, a massive 9.1-magnitude undersea quake struck several countries around the Indian Ocean, triggering the huge tsunami.

In addition to Indonesia, there were also numerous victims in other countries from Sri Lanka to India and Tanzania. In Thailand, it is estimated that at least 5,400 people lost their lives. Commemorative events were therefore held in several countries.