Schwyz Cantonal CouncilRight-wing council sees potential for tax cuts in Schwyz
26.6.2024 - 13:37
The Schwyz Cantonal Council approved the government's 2023 annual report by a large majority. The SVP and FDP criticized that the canton was taking in more money than it needed, while the SP/Greens would like to hire more staff.
26.06.2024, 13:37
The Schwyz state budget is in a solid position. The comments on the Government Council's 2023 annual report were correspondingly positive in the Cantonal Council on Wednesday.
The 2023 annual accounts show a revenue surplus of CHF 66 million. Net assets amount to CHF 834.7 million and equity is CHF 883 million.
With the available equity, the canton of Schwyz is well equipped for the future, said various speakers in the Cantonal Council on Wednesday. They also made positive mention of the increase in net investments, which amounted to CHF 61.4 million last year. In order to strengthen Schwyz as a business location, even more must be invested in infrastructure.
The government's 2023 annual report shows strengths and risks, said the spokesperson for the State Economic Commission. By risks, he meant, for example, the continued increase in payments into the national financial equalization scheme. Although the reorganization of the intra-cantonal financial equalization would bring necessary relief for the municipalities, it would place a burden on the cantonal budget.
Tax reduction would be justifiable
In the debate on the 2023 annual report, the FDP criticized the conservative budgeting of the cantonal government. The canton's annual financial statements, which have been better than budgeted for many years, and the high level of equity show that tax cuts would have been possible.
"The canton has been taking in money for years that it doesn't even need," said the FDP spokesperson. Tax relief will be discussed at the next budget debate in December. The SVP also believes that tax cuts should be examined.
The SP/Greens parliamentary group also voiced criticism. They identified a lack of personnel resources across almost all departments. There is a lack of staff for important tasks. The situation is worst in schools: The shortage of teaching staff must finally be addressed.
For these reasons, the Council Left rejected the government's 2023 annual report - in contrast to the other four cantonal council parliamentary groups.