"Wants to work as a sherpa" Basel cult restaurateur quits - and has very special plans

Sven Ziegler


The "Stadthof" is passing into new hands.
The "Stadthof" is passing into new hands.
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After 45 years, Josef Schüpfer, the legendary Basel restaurateur and long-standing president of the innkeepers' association, is handing over his "Stadthof". He is now planning a sabbatical - perhaps even as a sherpa.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Josef Schüpfer looks back on 45 years in the restaurant business and emphasizes the importance of empathy and service in his profession.
  • Schüpfer plans to work less, keep the "Walliser Kanne" and realize missed dreams such as a sabbatical.
  • He doesn't think much of certain food trends.

Josef Schüpfer, the long-standing president of the Basel Innkeepers' Association and restaurateur behind the "Stadthof" on Barfüsserplatz, is giving up his traditional restaurant after 45 years.

At the age of 72, he plans to retire from the business, have more time for himself and realize some missed dreams. "I want to catch up on all the vacations I've missed and maybe take a sabbatical like a banker," he says in an interview with "bz basel". He already has a crazy idea: "Work as a Sherpa for six months or spend a summer on an alp."

"I've never regretted becoming an innkeeper," says Schüpfer, who originally trained as a chef and butcher. For him, empathy is at the heart of his profession: "You need it towards your employees and customers. If you're not prepared to serve, you're in the wrong job." According to Schüpfer, his guests were always treated equally, regardless of whether they were members of the Federal Council or ordinary workers.

Success with the Brötlibar

The "Stadthof" is not only known for its pizzeria, but above all for its traditional Brötlibar. "Fast food was invented here in 1906. McDonald's is a copy of us," jokes Schüpfer. The tartare roll used to be the undisputed bestseller, but the thon mousse roll has now taken over the top spot. Self-service, which was part of the concept for a long time, was discontinued during Corona - partly because many rolls used to go unpaid.

Schüpfer speaks passionately about gastronomy and the challenges it brings. He criticizes the fact that many guests are only out for a quick energy boost. "You journalists are a good example: sandwiches in the newsroom instead of a proper meal!"

For Schüpfer, the focus is on good taste, whether it's a veal head or a salad with homemade sauce. He considers vegetarianism or intolerances to be overrated: "It's an industry in its own right and a huge business."

Schüpfer is handing over the "Stadthof" to the Zurich-based Bindella Group, but does not want to withdraw completely from the restaurant business. He will continue to support the "Walliser Kanne" in the background. "I can still order what I want there and won't be thrown out."