Climate targets City of Zurich promotes the phasing out of fossil fuel heating systems


21.8.2024 - 18:40

The city of Zurich wants to promote the switch to sustainable heating systems, such as connection to a district heating network, and is offering compensation for the early replacement of gas and oil heating systems that have not yet been amortized. (symbolic image)
The city of Zurich wants to promote the switch to sustainable heating systems, such as connection to a district heating network, and is offering compensation for the early replacement of gas and oil heating systems that have not yet been amortized. (symbolic image)

Anyone who replaces their relatively new, functioning oil or gas heating system in the city of Zurich with a sustainable system is to be compensated: The city and municipal councils want to introduce this incentive, which was tested as part of a pilot project, on a permanent basis by 2040.


On Wednesday, the municipal council discussed the new ordinance submitted by the city council "on subsidies for the early replacement of heating systems" at first reading. In view of the debate, the ordinance is likely to find a majority in the final vote, which will take place at one of the next meetings.

According to its proposal, the City Council expects to receive around 1,800 applications for subsidies by 2040. This is likely to cost the city around 19 million francs.

Changeover too slow for city council

In order to achieve the climate target of net zero, all fossil-fuel heating systems are to be replaced by climate-friendly heating solutions. However, the change is progressing too slowly for the city council: around 40 percent of the 18,700 or so fossil-fuel heating systems were installed less than 15 years ago - meaning they have not yet been amortized, it wrote in its proposal.

Subsidies are now intended to increase the current relatively low renewal rate. This financial support proved to be effective in this respect as part of the "residual value compensation" pilot project. Demand was much higher than forecast, which is why an additional loan had to be granted.

The FDP and SVP criticized the fact that the installation of new fossil fuel heating systems has been banned throughout the canton since September 2022. With an average lifespan of 25 years, their extinction can therefore be expected around 2047. The change is therefore underway, so there is no need for a lot of additional subsidies.

Meanwhile, the SP, Greens and GLP pointed out that without compensation, many owners would wait too long to replace their heating systems. From an ecological point of view, early replacement is necessary in order to achieve the climate targets.

Money for old heating systems soon?

However, the city council should now also examine whether a flat-rate subsidy could also be paid for the replacement of fossil fuel heating systems that are more than 15 years old. On Wednesday evening, the municipal council passed a corresponding postulate from the Greens, GLP and SP by 67 votes to 42.

The postulate stated that there was an "unwelcome loophole", as heating systems that were still functioning but had already been amortized were excluded from subsidies. These fossil heating systems should also be "replaced by a fossil-free system as quickly as possible".