Once a year Council of States approves 13th AHV pension from December 2026


4.12.2024 - 08:48

More money for senior citizens from December 2026. (symbolic image)
More money for senior citizens from December 2026. (symbolic image)

More money for senior citizens from December 2026. The Council of States has given the green light for the payment of the 13th AHV pension.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The Council of States agrees with the Federal Council's proposals to introduce the 13th AHV pension in 2026.
  • With 42 votes in favor, no votes against and zero abstentions, the Council followed the lead of its Social Affairs and Health Committee (SGK-S) on Wednesday.
  • However, the issue of financing the "thirteenth" approved by the people will not be addressed until next year.

The Council of States agrees with the Federal Council's proposals for the introduction of the 13th AHV pension in 2026. However, the issue of financing the "thirteenth" approved by the people will not be dealt with until next year.

With 42 votes in favor, no votes against and zero abstentions, the Council followed the lead of its Social Affairs and Health Committee (SGK-S) on Wednesday. It had unanimously agreed with the Federal Council's proposal in advance.

Like the committees responsible, the Council agreed with the Federal Council's proposals to reduce the federal contribution to the AHV and to increase VAT by 0.7 percentage points to finance the new pension. However, the SGK-S and now also the small chamber do not want to make a decision on this until next year. According to the SGK-S, more information is needed.

The committee issued the administration with several requests to examine this: among other things, it would like a mixed financing solution and a comprehensive financing approach for both the 13th AHV pension and the abolition of the pension cap for married couples to be examined.

The SGK-S would also like more detailed figures on the development of employee contributions for unemployment insurance and VAT revenue. The work is to be continued in the first quarter of 2025. The National Council must first decide on the bill regarding implementation.