Cantonal Council LULucerne cantonal council rebels against monument protection
16.9.2024 - 11:09
In the canton of Lucerne, decisions made by the cantonal monument preservation authorities should be able to be overturned by referendum in the municipalities. On Monday, the Lucerne Cantonal Council approved a motion by 62 votes to 50, which aims to shift the right of appeal from the courts to the people.
16.09.2024, 11:09
The majority of parliament did not share the position of the cantonal government that the motion could not be implemented for legal reasons. The motion was aimed at the "completely wrong end", warned government councillor Armin Hartmann (SVP) in vain.
However, the cantonal councillor also felt that the procedures for monument protection could be improved. He therefore requested that the motion be transferred in part and in the weakened form of the postulate, but was defeated.
"Kingdom created"
Motionary Hanspeter Bucheli (center) said that monument protection, as it is applied today, is preventing the future because of the past. "The legislator has created a kingdom", he said.
Fritz Gerber (SVP) said that monument preservation made building more expensive. In the end, the tenant pays. Stephan Dahinden (SVP) shared the criticism of monument preservation, but classified the implementation of the motion as difficult for legal reasons.
Franziska Rölli (GLP) even described the required right of appeal as "questionable". The judiciary and not the legislature was responsible for appeals. Judith Schmutz (Greens) said that "for all our love of democracy", monument protection was about protecting a public interest. Here, decisions need to be made by experts and not by the people. Jörg Meyer (SP) suspected that the motion was about weakening monument preservation.