Operation in the city of Bern Police taser man with baseball bat

Sven Ziegler


The Bern police used a Taser.
The Bern police used a Taser.

On Monday evening, the Bern cantonal police noticed a man carrying a baseball bat and behaving conspicuously. The man had to be tasered.

At around 5.40 p.m. on Monday, as part of their patrol activities on Brünnenstrasse in Bern, the Bern cantonal police noticed a man carrying a baseball bat and behaving conspicuously.

When the police subsequently tried to check him, he resisted the check and continued to walk along Brünnenstrasse towards passers-by with unclear intentions. As the man repeatedly failed to respond to the officers' verbal instructions, a police officer used the destabilization device. Eventually, the man was stopped.

The man was then taken to hospital by the Bern cantonal police. According to the information available so far, he remained unharmed and was later transferred to an appropriate institution. Further investigations are underway.