DemographyPositive birth surplus in 2023 in the canton of Lucerne
30.7.2024 - 11:31
Slightly more children were born and significantly fewer people died in the canton of Lucerne in 2023 than in 2022. The birth surplus has therefore increased.
30.07.2024, 11:31
As Lustat Statistik Luzern announced on Tuesday, 4094 children were born alive last year. This is 14 more than in 2022, while the number of deaths fell from 3534 to 3330. The birth surplus thus increased from 546 to 764.
According to Lustat, the number of births has been trending upwards since 2005. This is due to population growth and not to a higher birth rate.
With regard to deaths, Lustat writes that after a sharp increase in 2022, the number of deaths has returned to the level of 2020 and 2021. Two thirds of Lucerne residents who died in 2023 were over 80 years old. Around 40 years ago, it was still around a third.