Cloud of smoke in Kaiseraugst AG Recycling company has caught fire - canton gives the all-clear

Dominik Müller


A large cloud of smoke can currently be seen in Kaiseraugst AG.
A large cloud of smoke can currently be seen in Kaiseraugst AG.
blue News

Dark smoke can be seen over Kaiseraugst AG on Thursday. The canton had warned the population of smoke development.

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  • A fire broke out in Kaiseraugst AG on Thursday.
  • The canton of Aargau had initially warned the population of heavy smoke development.

A major fire broke out at the recycling company Thommen AG in the industrial area in Kaiseraugst AG on Thursday afternoon. The emergency services evacuated numerous people, but the police are not aware of any injuries so far.

As a media spokesperson for the Aargau cantonal police told the Keystone-SDA news agency, the fire broke out in a hall on the site on Bahnhofstrasse and spread to a second hall.

The fire department was deployed with a large contingent, as was an SBB fire-fighting unit, the spokesman said.

The fire caused a lot of smoke. The population was asked via the Alertswiss warning app to close windows and doors and switch off ventilation and air conditioning systems. In the meantime, however, the situation appears to be under control: The canton has also given the all-clear via Alertswiss.