The cantonal police building in Lorraine cannot be used as a school building in future. The canton of Bern has other plans for it.
The building at Nordring 30, known as Ringhof, is to be used as an administration and office building in the long term. This is the intention of the Canton of Bern, which owns the building. Abandoning the property is out of the question for the canton, not even for school space. This is clear from the response of Bern's municipal council to a motion by FDP city councillors Ursula Stöckli and Nik Eugster.
The cantonal police are currently stationed in the building known as Ringhof. After their move to the new Niederwangen police center, the canton wants to renovate the building, as the motion continues. The current planning status envisages that this construction work will begin in 2029.
According to the forecasts of the Directorate of Education, Social Affairs and Sport (BSS), the number of pupils in the Breitenrain-Lorraine school district is expected to increase by over 500 children, as the two motion authors write. Additional school space must therefore be planned wherever possible.