Labor market Slight increase in unemployment in the canton of Berne


6.8.2024 - 08:37

The unemployment rate in the canton of Bern increased slightly in July. (symbolic image)
The unemployment rate in the canton of Bern increased slightly in July. (symbolic image)

The unemployment rate in the canton of Bern increased slightly in July. It rose from 1.6 to 1.7 percent. 9438 people were registered as unemployed. This was 331 people more than in June, as reported by the Bernese Department of Economic Affairs on Tuesday.

The increase in unemployment in July can only partly be explained by seasonal effects, as the Economic Directorate wrote in a press release. As not all apprenticeship graduates find a follow-up solution immediately, unemployment among teenagers and young adults, i.e. 15 to 24-year-olds, rises in the summer.

At the same time, according to the Department of Economic Affairs, almost all sectors recorded rising unemployment figures. In the MEM sector (mechanical, electrical and metal industries including watchmaking), unemployment rose more sharply than the long-term average, namely by 62 people.

Unemployment rose slightly in six out of ten administrative districts. In the other administrative districts, it fell slightly or remained unchanged.