Criticism of SP Federal Councillor Jans SVP President Dettling wants to "restore the rule of law"


17.8.2024 - 11:21

SVP President Marcel Dettling (NR/SZ) at an event. (archive picture)
SVP President Marcel Dettling (NR/SZ) at an event. (archive picture)

The delegates of the SVP met in Leuk VS on Saturday. Party President Marcel Dettling (NR/SZ) commented on "Left-wing immigration and asylum policy".

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  • The delegates of the SVP met in Leuk VS on Saturday.
  • In his speech, party president Marcel Dettling criticized the asylum policy of Federal Councillor Beat Jans.
  • According to Dettling, the "left-wing immigration and asylum policy" is destroying Switzerland.

In his speech, Dettling criticized the asylum policy of Federal Councillor Beat Jans. He was continuing the "asylum chaos" of his predecessor in the department. According to Dettling, the "left-wing immigration and asylum policy" is destroying Switzerland. Political resistance is now needed, he said according to the speech text. "We must restore the Swiss rule of law."

The border protection initiative launched by the SVP at the end of May should help to achieve this goal. After all, the Swiss population must be protected from illegal asylum migration. Otherwise, people in Switzerland would lose trust in the state, continued Dettling.

Other parties in parliament would prevent the SVP's solutions. That is why the people must put their foot down.