Uri cantonal council The decisions of the Uri cantonal council in brief


25.9.2024 - 14:51

At its meeting on Wednesday, the Uri cantonal council


- a law on cooperation between the canton and the municipalities in the area of IT and e-government back to the government for revision by 54 votes to 7. Parliament called on the government to examine alternatives to a public limited company for joint IT operations.

- approved the partial revision of the law on expropriation by 56 votes to 4 with one abstention. This provides for expropriated agricultural land to be paid three times the estimated value in future. The business was approved for the referendum.

- The overall revision of the Social Welfare Act was discussed in a first reading.

- A matter concerning the construction of a passenger lift at Altdorf railroad station was referred back to the government by just under 34 votes to 27. The government must now take another close look at the project costs and try to reduce them. The lift is intended to improve access to the platforms for people with reduced mobility.

- took note of the maintenance program for cantonal roads from 2020 to 2023 by 61 votes to 0.

- approved various supplementary credits.

- took note of the government's report on a sustainable financial budget from 2024 without evaluation.

- acknowledged the report of the interparliamentary business audit committee of the Concordat of the BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority of Central Switzerland.

- a postulate by Ivo Schillig (FDP) on reducing the environmental impact of transit traffic in the canton was rejected by 14 votes to 46.