Succession in the Federal Council still openViola Amherd: "I don't see that the situation is chaotic"
24.1.2025 - 05:34
Outgoing Federal Councillor Viola Amherd has put the supposed chaos surrounding her succession into perspective. "I don't see that the situation is chaotic," she says in her first interview since announcing her resignation from the Federal Council.
24.01.2025, 05:34
24.01.2025, 06:30
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Central Federal Councillor Viola Amherd is stepping down from her office at the end of March 2025.
In an interview, Amherd takes stock of her time as Federal Councillor and Defense Minister and comments on the problems with army drones.
Amherd also comments for the first time on her resignation and the many rejections of potential successors.
In an interview with Tamedia newspapers published on Friday, Defense Minister Viola Amherd explained that the rejections of several favorites were personal decisions that did not reflect the preferences of Parliament. There is no obligation to run for the Federal Council, Amherd continued: "Each person makes this decision for themselves." Her party is prepared for the by-election and the procedures for this have been tried and tested.
Amherd announced her resignation from the Federal Council on January 15. She will leave the government at the end of March. After 30 years in politics and six years on the Federal Council, it is time to make way for someone "fresh", she says.
Amherd acknowledged problems with the army procurement projects that have come under criticism. "But that doesn't mean that all projects have failed," she emphasized. In the case of reconnaissance drones, she had already had a review carried out three years ago to determine whether the project could be canceled. "Three years ago, I said: 'I've had enough now'," explained the head of the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS). However, it was no longer possible to abandon the project due to the high investments that had already been made.
Switzerland is currently procuring an unmanned and unarmed drone reconnaissance system. The purchase was approved by parliament in 2015. The six drones, including ground components, simulators and logistics, are being supplied by the Israeli company Elbit. Five drones have now arrived in Switzerland.
Federal Councillor Viola Amherd (left) - pictured here with Division Commander Maurizio Dattrino during a visit to the troops at the WEF in Davos on Wednesday - would have liked to have canceled the army's drone project three years ago, which had been criticized.
Image:Keystone/Michael Buholzer
The completion of the project was planned for 2019, but has since been postponed to 2026. However, according to a report published on Wednesday by the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO), a system will then be delivered that does not meet all requirements. "The project is in crisis," wrote the SFAO. It found overly ambitious targets, inadequate planning and control and insufficient risk and quality management.
Other armaments projects are also under pressure, including airspace surveillance and the procurement of the new F-35 jets, which will not be delivered for another three years. Nevertheless, the air force is still operational, Amherd assured the "Tamedia newspapers". Otherwise it would not have been possible to hold the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Looking back on her time in office, the Defense Minister expressed her satisfaction. "It was exciting, challenging and I had many opportunities to shape things, which I also used," said Amherd. Switzerland's security has always been the focus.