Latest news According to MeteoSwiss, the end of the pollen count is in sight


14.8.2024 - 11:16

Most of the pollen count should be over in August, much to the relief of allergy sufferers. (archive picture)
Most of the pollen count should be over in August, much to the relief of allergy sufferers. (archive picture)

Allergy sufferers can slowly breathe a sigh of relief. According to MeteoSwiss, the majority of the pollen count is over in August. The 2024 pollen year was characterized by a particularly early start and a late start to the main flowering period in June.

The Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss) went on to say that there were still isolated cases of low to moderate grass pollen concentrations. From the end of July to the beginning of September, however, mugwort pollen counts are still high in Valais. In other regions, mugwort pollen is insignificant.

The mild December 2023 ushered in the hazel pollen season unusually early, with the first pollen being measured as early as Christmas. However, the concentrations remained low until the last decade of January, when an increase was recorded, up to two weeks earlier than the long-term average.

The alder pollen was not long in coming either: The first pollen was recorded in Ticino from January 11, with the highest concentrations occurring in February.

Precipitation interrupted the pollen count

According to MeteoSwiss, the birch pollen season started on March 18 and 19, up to 13 days earlier than average, and reached its peak at the beginning of April. However, a sudden cold snap in mid-April brought the season to an abrupt end. Ash trees were similarly early, with pollen being detected from the beginning of March, according to the report. The most intense phase of the pollen count was at the beginning of April, but here too, cooler weather led to a premature end.