Unexpected windfallVillage in France inherits millions from man who was never there
Oliver Kohlmaier
The village church of Saint-Taurin in Thiberville.
Havang(nl), CC0-Lizenz
The small village of Thiberville in Normandy can look forward to a surprising windfall. A man who bears the name of the village bequeathed it almost ten million francs.
12.01.2025, 18:34
12.01.2025, 18:49
Oliver Kohlmaier
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The small French village of Thiberville has inherited almost ten million francs from a man who bears the same name as the municipality.
However, Thiberville has never visited the Normandy village of the same name himself.
It is not yet clear how the money will be used. According to the mayor, debts are to be paid off first.
The mayor and residents can hardly believe their luck: A man who died last year at the age of 91 is leaving them almost 10 million francs.
The windfall comes out of the blue. Roger Thiberville lived in faraway Paris and worked as a meteorologist. He never visited the village that bears his name.
Roger Thiberville inherited land from his parents. As he left no heirs, he bequeathed his property to the village that bears his name - and which he never visited.
Now there is already a debate in Thiberville about how the millions should be used. Mayor Guy Paris is both astonished and delighted. After all, the inheritance amounts to around five times the funds that the municipality normally has available each year. "That is an extraordinary sum. Of course, the amount is beyond our imagination," he told the French radio station France Bleu.
Municipality wants to pay off debts first
However, it is not yet clear how the funds will be used. As a public institution, the small municipality does not have to pay inheritance tax.
First, however, Thiberville wants to repay debts amounting to around 375,000 francs. The loan was used to finance a new school.
Thiberville's only express wish was for his ashes to be buried in a memorial in the commune's cemetery. "Mr. Thiberville did not ask for anything in return for his legacy, but we owe him that," says the mayor.