Security Zurich city police start using bodycams


1.7.2024 - 11:37

The Zurich city police will be using bodycams from July 1 this year. (archive picture)
The Zurich city police will be using bodycams from July 1 this year. (archive picture)

The Zurich City Police started using the new bodycams today, Monday. The introduction of the cameras is being scientifically monitored.

The bodycams are to be used during identity checks if the dialog is unsuccessful, as the City of Zurich's Security Department announced on Monday. The recordings can be used to check the behavior of those being checked and members of the police force. The recordings can also be used for criminal proceedings if necessary.

When and how the devices may be used is regulated in an ordinance and the implementing provisions. Operation is provisionally limited until the end of 2026 and is being scientifically monitored.

The municipal police used bodycams for a few months as part of a pilot project back in 2017. In July 2021, the municipal council approved the permanent introduction of the cameras.