Discussion about Kernen-S Beat Feuz: "It could be that Odermatt has lost this trump card"

Linus Hämmerli


Marco Odermatt is one of the big favorites in the Lauberhorn downhill.
Marco Odermatt is one of the big favorites in the Lauberhorn downhill.

In the Lauberhorn downhill, the Kernen-S has been adapted this year. It is wider. This leads to discussions.

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  • At a key section of the Lauberhorn downhill, the Kernen-S, the athletes have more space this year.
  • To the disadvantage of technician Odermatt? "It could be," says Beat Feuz to Blick. But there's no need to worry, Odermatt has many more trump cards.
  • When Odermatt inspected the slope, he immediately noticed the adjustment at the Kernen-S. "I was a little shocked," says the overall World Cup winner.

The downhill on the Lauberhorn is the longest in the world. It demands a lot from the athletes and also challenges them with technical passages.

The legendary Kernen-S has been one of the key sections for years. Dozens of athletes have lost valuable hundredths or even seconds on this tricky section. It is no coincidence that Bernhard Russi once called it the "craziest chicane in the World Cup circuit".

This year, the right-left combination has been toned down. The athletes have more space and the slope has been widened. "I was a little shocked when I saw on my first visit that there is now one meter more space at this point," says Marco Odermatt toBlick.

The tricky passage is made for technical artists like Odermatt. Will this trump card be lost this year? "Maybe," says Beat Feuz. But the three-time Lauberhorn winner continues: "But he still has so many other trump cards that we don't have to worry too much about him."

Feuz hopes for a more exciting race

ÖSV coach Sepp Brunner explains to "Blick" that the approach speed this year is not as high as last year. The main point, however, is that the athletes have more space due to a detour.

Brunner states: "I'm afraid that we won't see the big differences at the Brüggli this year." Feuz is of the opinion that the race could even become more exciting due to the adjustment. In recent years, it has often been the case that the fastest in the Kernen-S were also the fastest overall. "Maybe that will change now."

The super-G will take place on Friday at the Lauberhorn before the downhill race on Saturday.