Second training session for the World Championship downhill Ming-Nufer beats Gisin - Gut-Behrami and Suter are among the front runners

Luca Betschart


Priska Ming-Nufer secures a starting place for the World Championship downhill thanks to a good run in the second training session.
Priska Ming-Nufer secures a starting place for the World Championship downhill thanks to a good run in the second training session.
Picture: Keystone

The second training session for the women's World Championship downhill takes place in Saalbach on Wednesday. Priska Ming-Nufer secures the last free starting place in the Swiss team, Lara Gut-Behrami and Corinne Suter are among the front runners.

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  • In the second training session, Priska Ming-Nufer wins the duel for the last free starting place for the World Championship downhill against Michelle Gisin and thus completes the Swiss line-up on Saturday.
  • Already seeded Lara Gut-Behrami and Corinne Suter are among the front runners, but can't quite keep up with the outstanding Austrian Mirjam Puchner.

In almost perfect conditions on Wednesday morning, the women complete their second of three training sessions for the World Championship downhill in Saalbach, which is scheduled for Saturday. However, things are already getting serious for Priska Ming-Nufer and Michelle Gisin. Because only one of the two is allowed to start the race on Saturday.

The team-internal duel for the last free Swiss starting place clearly goes to Ming-Nufer. With a gap of 1.36 seconds, she finishes in the top 10 and is thus clearly ahead of Gisin, who loses almost 3 seconds on the best time.

This will be Ming-Nufer's second time in a World Championship downhill. Two years ago in Méribel, Savoie, she finished 11th and, like Gisin, only half of the selection criteria for this year's World Championships - one ranking in the top 7 or two rankings in the top 15 - were met. In Beaver Creek, Colorado, she finished 14th.

Puchner dominates - Gut-Behrami and Suter at the front

Lara Gut-Behrami, Corinne Suter and Malorie Blanc, who surprised everyone with second place in St. Anton, were already seeded for the race before the second training run. Blanc did not keep up with the fastest skiers on Wednesday and lost almost four seconds on the best time.

Gut-Behrami is completely different. The winner of the first training session is once again among the front runners. Although the skier from Ticino loses over a second to the outstanding Mirjam Puchner, she still ends up in 4th place, with Corinne Suter right behind her, 1.2 seconds behind.

The top 10 of the second training session for the World Championship downhill

Picture: FIS

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