"Perfect for Botox"Beauty doctor leaves SRF star Mona Vetsch flabbergasted
Carlotta Henggeler
SRF star Mona Vetsch accompanies patients to the beauty doctor for her TV series "Mona mittendrin". A cosmetic surgeon thinks Mona Vetsch is perfect for Botox. The woman from Thurgau reacts perplexed.
12.09.2024, 16:02
12.09.2024, 16:10
Carlotta Henggeler
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For the SRF reportage series "Mona mittendrin", Mona Vetsch spends three days with people who have undergone surgery to improve their appearance. And asks herself how far she herself would go for her beauty.
She is encouraged to have Botox by a cosmetic doctor.
Mona Vetsch is flabbergasted and has a clear opinion.
A straight nose, plump breasts and fewer wrinkles on her face thanks to Botox: Mona Vetsch delves into the world of cosmetic surgery for the TV series "Mona mittendrin".
For three days, the 49-year-old accompanies people who have undergone surgery to improve their appearance. And asks herself how far she herself would go for her beauty.
The Swiss are world champions when it comes to cosmetic surgery per capita - from breast operations to nose corrections.
Patient Sandra has Botox injections with Dr. Farid Rezaeian. Mona Vetsch accompanies her to the beauty doc on the show "Mona mittendrin".
Beauty-Doc Farid Rezaeian states with regard to Vetsch: "She would be perfect for Botox. I think if you had that, you'd say that's a cool thing, wow!"
And Mona Vetsch is flabbergasted, nodding in surprise. Vetsch has a clear opinion: "Nice try and maybe he's even right. But hanging on a needle for the rest of your life doesn't sound very appealing to me."
"Mona mittendrin - Botox, breast surgery and nose correction - How far will we go for beauty?" aired on SRF1 on Friday, September 6 at 9 pm.