Gampel-Ticker 2023 What a home game, Stefanie Heinzmann

Fabian Tschamper


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Open Air Gampel will take place from August 17 to 20, 2023 in Gampel VS.
  • The good news for all those music fans who can't make the pilgrimage to Valais this time: blue Music will be broadcasting the best live concerts.
  • It's 32 degrees on the site at midday on Friday. Fortunately, a snow cannon provides cooling. This is put to good use.
  • Headliner Macklemore discovers a cuddly toy camel in the audience - and finds it funny.

It's 32 degrees on Friday. The festival visitors cool off under the snow cannon. Macklemore is the headliner. The US rapper makes friends with a camel at Gampel.

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  • Stefanie Heinzmann is a worthy finale for Gampel 2023

    Stefanie Heinzmann gives her fans a few goosebumps and is a successful finale to the Valais festival.

    Openair Gampel 2023 is a success, as media manager Olivier Imboden tells blue News.

    We say: thank you for reading. We enjoyed it, we hope you did too! Have a good rest ...

    Bye, bye Gampel. blue News editor Carlotta Henggeler has ticked for you.
    Bye, bye Gampel. blue News editor Carlotta Henggeler has ticked for you.
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  • Sunday, 12.00 noon

    Stefanie Heinzmann closes the show

    Oh, already the last Gampel day today, sniff!

    Joya Marleen, Manillio and Stefanie Heinzmann & Friends XV: On Sunday, there will be a good dose of Swiss music at Gampel.

    It's a home game for Heinzmann from Eyholz, but not her first. It's her sixth Gampel gig. However, her friends will be there today. So keep your eyes and ears open for Stefanie Heinzmann and the crème de la crème of the Swiss singer and songwriter scene.

    Hands Up!

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  • Saturday, 6 p.m.

    Glamping or budget camping at Gampel?

    What does the campsite on the Gampel site look like? Do the festival visitors stay in luxurious and sophisticated accommodation or rather simple and chilled out? Sinan Demirsoy, a mediamatics apprentice at Swisscom, took a look around and made a video. Thank you, Sinan!

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  • Stefan Buck from Hecht: "Gampel, what a memorable evening"

    What a worthy farewell to the festival summer for Hecht. Frontman Stefan Buck and his band set the mood in Gampel with their songs and set off a quake.

    A concert with many highlights. "Charlotta" is the encore of the encore. Gampel can't get enough of Hecht - and Hecht can't get enough of Openair Gampel. What a memorable concert. One that will live long in the memory.

  • Saturday, 5:45 pm

    32 degrees, the raclette melts on Saturday even without an oven

    It remains hot on the third day of the festival. Even the raclette cheese melts without an oven.

    The festival visitors don't care. The party goes on, Sahara heat or not ...

    Full house for headliner Hecht.

  • Friday, 23:30

    Macklemore and the stuffed camel

    US rapper Macklemore conquers the Red Stage at Openair Gampel on Friday evening. The hit singer from Seattle ("Can't Hold Us"; "Thrift Shop") mocks a stuffed animal camel in the crowd - and can't believe it at first.

    May we introduce? This is Macklemore's camel.
    May we introduce? This is Macklemore's camel.
    blue Music

    But yes, a Macklemore fan has taken a stuffed animal with him. Why? Only the festival gods know. But see for yourself, we filmed it.

    Macklemore and the plush camel, a funny moment on Friday evening that will go down in Gampel history.

  • Friday, 6 pm

    32? Never mind!

    A walk around the Openair site shows that the high temperatures don't stand in the way of real festival fun. On the contrary. In Gampel, people are partying like crazy. The photo stills on my tour prove it.

  • Friday, 15:00

    32 degrees - the snow cannon is running

    Cold drinks, sun hats and lots of water: there's a heat alert at Openair Gampel VS and festival-goers have equipped themselves against the high temperatures in Valais.

    32 degrees and it's going to get even hotter at Openair Gampel: 34 degrees are planned for Sunday. Whew!
    32 degrees and it's going to get even hotter at Openair Gampel: 34 degrees are planned for Sunday. Whew!
    Screenshot Meteo Schweiz

    Fortunately, the organizers have set up a snow cannon in front of the main stage.

    The concertgoers make good use of the water shower.

  • 23:40

    Cypress Hill: They came, scratched and conquered the Gampel Openair

    Cypress Hill prove it: Lesson learned is lesson learned. From the very first few minutes, the band around frontman B-Real had the crowd at Gampel in the bag. They know how to create the perfect rap party - and drive it forward.

    By the time the US old-school hip-hoppers start playing their hit "Insane in the Brain", there's no stopping them on the grounds. The rap party is ignited - and unstoppable.

  • Thursday, 7 p.m.

    Nova Twins Backstage: It's so incredibly beautiful here!

    Singer/guitarist Amy Love and bassist Georgia South have already been to Gampel Openair in 2019. How does it feel to be back in Valais and on the big stage? And what do the rock girls from England do when they are off tour for a day? They tell blue Music host Daniel Fanslau in a backstage interview.

  • 23:30

    Hi, Nova Twins! Gampel is ready. Let the party started

    Hello Valais, hello world! Raclette, lots of beer and sunshine - that's what Openair Gampel is known for. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't so good at the start of the festival. Waterproof sneakers are the order of the day. Or even Adilettes? As you like.

    Two female rockers from near London will kick off OA Gampel 2023: the Nova Twins. If you like rock music with an urban punk touch, then remember this name.

    You can watch them from 9.50 pm via livestream thanks to blue Music.

Current live program from Gampel on blue Zoom

  • August 17: Nova Twins, 9:50 p.m., 10:10 p.m.;
    Cypress Hill, 11 p.m.
  • August 18: Ayliva, 10:45 p.m.
  • August 19: Years & Years, 8:05 p.m.; Hecht, 9:15 p.m.
  • August 20: Stefanie Heinzmann, 6:35 p.m.
  • Subject to change.